FLE Mathematics

Year long

Based on a point-of-need teaching philosophy, this course is to prepare students to undertake any of our pre-VCE Mathematics courses. Students will typically complete two years of this subject but there are opportunities to enter the Pre-VCE courses earlier if supported by a teacher recommendation.  

Using our Maths Pathways platform combined with rich tasks, regular energisers, mini lessons and a number of longer projects, students will develop skills across the entire Mathematics Victorian curriculum.   

Our point-of need approach ensures that each student receives an individualised program with each element of the course tailored to meet their needs using small group mini lessons and ‘low floor, high ceiling’ accessible rich tasks. Students will develop a wide range of skills and knowledge across the three Mathematics strands: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability with a goal of achieving more than 12 months curriculum growth each year.